Friday, May 2, 2008

SEARCH FOR THE GOLDEN MOON BEAR (Genre: Informational / module 8)

Bibliographic Information
Title: Search for the Golden Moon Bear
Author: Sy Montgomery
Illustrator: Nic Bishop
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group
Publication Date: October 2002
ISBN: 9780743205849

This is the story of the search for a new bear species that takes place in Southeast Asia. Written in Montgomery's entertaining narrative style. However this book differs in that it is written from a first person point of view, unlike like her observational third person style of books like The Tarantula Scientist and The Snake Scientist. Montgomery participates not only in the writing process but also in the scientific one, including taking hair samples from existing captured bears to perform DNA analysis. Tantalizing the bears with marshmallows and sweetened condensed milk is just one of the adventures that Montgomery experiences in this experience of discovery and observation.